"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be no hope of advance." -Orville Wright


John Drouillard - Owner

John began his experience in construction in 1995 in the heating and cooling industry. After several years he moved into carpentry and high-end custom cabinetry installation. Over the years he has been involved in multiple areas of construction and remodeling. In addition to Redemption, he is also the owner of Alliance Custom Cabinetry- specializing in custom residential cabinetry and also Nauman Cabinetry- specializing in custom commercial cabinetry. Partnering with John in his position as Owner is his wife, Cheryl. They have 5 children - Kyla, Emma, Selah, Micah, and Maya. They currently reside in Lampeter, PA in a stone farmhouse that dates to 1750. It was one of the 7 original farmsteads in Lancaster County. As a family, they enjoy road trips, family walks, and staying active. John can usually be found riding his bicycle or his motorcycle in his free time. 

Dustin Landis - President

Dustin has been involved in custom cabinetry since 2003. He started as an installer, installing custom cabinets in the Philadelphia and Wilmington, DE markets. From installation Dustin moved into Project Management and Operations Management. Dustin is a gifted problem solver which benefits him tremendously in his role as President. Dustin enjoys golfing, reading, bicycling and sitting by a campfire. Along with his wife, Janelle and two daughters Ava and Darla, they enjoy time with family at Cape May Beach, Williamsburg, VA and trips to the mountains. They are also involved with their Church.